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SERE 100.2 is based on CCMD required capabilities and is designed as one course with specific focused areas reflecting military and civilian responsibilities. Personnel should take the set of modules reflecting their status.
- J3TA-US1282 SERE 100.1 Civilians Only Course (FOUO) - (3 hrs) - JKO LCMS
SERE Level A joint training is currently required by all...
- J3TA-US1282 SERE 100.1 Civilians Only Course (FOUO) - (3 hrs) - JKO LCMS
The new SERE 100.1 blends the latest immersive gaming technology and scenario-driven activities with instructional video and other multimedia that focuses the student to develop SERE knowledge and skills, and at times, places them under realistic duress.
SERE Level A joint training is currently required by all combatant commands for theater entry. It is expected that approximately 100,000 learners will take this course each year. The overall classification for this course is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO).
The United States Army Combat Readiness Center now hosts its Distance Learning (DL) courses on the ATIS-Learning site. This provides Soldiers, Army civilians, safety professionals and...
J3TA-US1329 SERE 100.2 Level A SERE Education and Training in Support of the Code of Conduct (FOUO) - (4 hrs) [Annual requirement; CAC Login; Course Catalog Tab; Use search bar in the...
Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in Joint operations and improve operational readiness of the Joint enterprise. JKO is the online learning platform of the Joint Staff J-7.
combatant commands are required to complete SERE 100 Code of Conduct training to meet established theater entry requirements. This course is preferably accomplished through Joint Knowledge Online (JKO), which is the established method to record joint course completion. Other servers throughout the DoD may provide access to