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  1. › wiki › Red_ArmyRed Army - Wikipedia

    The Red Army began the Soviet invasion of Manchuria on 9 August 1945 (three days after the first atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the same day the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, while also being exact three months after the surrender of Germany).

  2. 17 wrz 2024 · Red Army, Soviet army created by the Communist government after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Political advisers called commissars were attached to all army units to watch over the reliability of officers and to carry out political propaganda among the troops.

  3. Wraz z narastającym napięciem międzynarodowym następowała modyfikacja tego planu. W wyniku tworzonych na bieżąco korekt organizacyjnych Armia Czerwona, która na stopie pokojowej dysponowała 1 513 000 żołnierzy (stan na 1 stycznia 1938), na wypadek wojny miała rozwinąć się do maksymalnie 6 503 000 ludzi.

  4. 19 sty 2022 · The Red Army was the main military force of the Soviet Union. Established in January 1918 by the Bolsheviks as the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, it rivalled what was collectively known as the White Army during the Russian Civil War.

  5. The basic tactical principles of the Red Army remained those used during World War I, primarily trench warfare, until the emergence of theoreticians such as Uborevich, Tukhachevsky and Triandafillov who transformed the tactical, operational and strategic conduct of war in Soviet military philosophy.

  6. › wiki › Soviet_ArmySoviet Army - Wikipedia

    To establish and secure the USSR's eastern European geopolitical interests, Red Army troops who liberated eastern Europe from Nazi rule in 1945 remained in place to secure pro-Soviet régimes in Eastern Europe and to protect against attack from Europe.

  7. 7 maj 2020 · In May 1945, the Red Army barreled into Berlin and captured the city, the final step in defeating the Third Reich and ending World War II in Europe.

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