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Telling the time in English. Time expressions exercises. Learning the clock and the time.
- What's the Time
Telling the time in Engish - exercises . What time is it ?...
- Half, Quarter, O'clock
Telling the time: o'clock, quarter, half . What time is it?...
- Telling the Time
Telling the time: worksheets, printable exercises pdf,...
- What's the Time
Telling the time: worksheets, printable exercises pdf, handouts, resources, videos. Telling the time in English. Time expressions exercises.
Telling the time in English. This ESL/EFL printable, downloadable worksheet features two exercises about telling the time in English and clocks. I hope you will enjojy my worksheet! Thanks fo... 93472 uses. Chadelel. What's the time: BOARDGAME. What´s the time? BOARDGAME - You need small pieces of paper and a dice. Groups of two or four students.
This is a mini-game to learn and practice telling the time in English. Students can interact with a clock to change the time and there is also a mini-game which involves matching a time phrase to a clock. The first screen shows an analog clock displaying a time - initially 9 o'clock - and a pane below showing the matching time phrase.
time exercise. Multiple choice and write in exercises to practice telling the time with analog clock. Includes o´clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
Telling the time. A set of three cards. 116586 uses. etorrall.
Try this time quiz and see how well you can tell the time in English. This quiz has ten questions and for each question you will see a picture of a clock. Look at the clock and choose the correct time. Ready? Take The Quiz Below.