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  1. The input hypothesis is a group of five hypotheses of second-language acquisition developed by linguist Stephen Krashen. It states that learners progress by comprehending input that is slightly more advanced than their current level, and that acquisition and learning are separate processes.

  2. A book by Stephen Krashen that presents his theory of second language acquisition and its implications for language teaching. The book covers topics such as the acquisition-learning distinction, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis, the affective filter, grammar, and methods.

  3. Teoria Stephena Krashena. Stephen Krashen uważa, że nie ma zasadniczej różnicy pomiędzy sposobem, w jaki przyswajamy nasz pierwszy język, a naszymi kolejnymi językami. Twierdzi, że ludzie mają wrodzoną zdolność, która kieruje procesem uczenia się języka.

  4. Krashen proposes that adults have two systems for second language ability: subconscious acquisition and conscious learning. He explains the interaction of these systems, the conditions of Monitor use, and the implications for theory and practice.

  5. W artykule tym jest omówionych pięć hipotez Stephena Krashena, które definiują jego teorię przyswajania - akwizycji - języków obcych.

  6. 25 lip 2019 · An article that explores how Comprehensible Input, a set of pedagogical principles based on Krashen's theory, has influenced the teaching of Latin and ancient Greek in the US. It describes the challenges and benefits of applying CI in the classical languages classrooms and the professional organisations.

  7. Compelling means that the input is so interesting you forget that it is in another language. It means you are in a state of "flow" (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). In flow, the concerns of everyday life and even the sense of self disappear - our sense of time is altered and nothing but the activity itself seems to matter.

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