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Member Loans: Member Loan Application: ... SSS P.E.S.O. Fund Retirement Benefit Claim Form: SSS P.E.S.O. Fund Total Disability Benefit Claim Form: ... Email: Follow Us On: Republic of the Philippines. All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.
- Salary loan
A member- borrower may file/submit the salary loan...
- Salary loan
31 mar 2022 · A member- borrower may file/submit the salary loan application online thru the My.SSS Website, or thru the MySSS App. Member-borrower shall enroll/nominate his/her valid bank account in the Disbursement Account Enrollment Module (DAEM) and shall be used as mode of disbursement of salary loan application by accessing the member’s My.SSS account.
Member Loan Application: This form is used to apply for any type of SSS loan, including salary and calamity loans. Loan Payment Return: This form is for members to remit payments for loans, including salary, calamity, educational, and stock investment loans.
3. Use this form exclusively for your SALARY/CALAMITY/EDUCATIONAL/ EMERGENCY/STOCK INVESTMENT LOAN payments. 4. Always support this form with the SSS official pre-printed collection list to ensure proper posting of payments. If the employers do not receive the list, please notify the respective SSS office. 5.
Payment shall be made at any SSS branch with automated tellering system, SSS-accredited bank or SSS-authorized payment center. The member-borrower has not been disqualified due to fraud committed against the SSS. A two-month salary loan is equivalent to twice the average of the member-borrower's latest posted 12 MSCs, rounded to the next
28 wrz 2020 · There are two ways to apply for the Salary Loan. One is to go directly to the nearest SSS office along with necessary application requirements, fill out the loan application form, and submit. The other is to do the online loan application available at the sss web portal or SSS Mobile Application.
Payment shall be made at any SSS branch with tellering facility, SSS-accredited bank or SSS-authorized payment center.