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  1. Slovak Friends language school is a school dedicated exclusively to teaching Slovak as a foreign language for adults and children. You can choose online or in-class courses all year round. Beginner, intermediate or advanced?

  2. Slovak language for high school students, students and specialists in various professions. After passing the language programs of the school you will be able to enter any university in Slovakia on a free basis, as well as get a job | iCan.

  3. Slovak for foreigners. Discover the beauty of the Slovak language and culture with our comprehensive language course. Our materials are designed to help you learn Slovak quickly and effectively, making it easy to communicate with native speakers and explore all that Slovakia has to offer.

  4. You learn a language so that you can travel, study, and achieve your personal and professional goals. The IH Bratislava language school offers language courses and exams in Bratislava city centre. We teach English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Slovak for foreigners.

  5. Slovenský jazyk pre stredoškolákov, študentov a odborníkov v rôznych profesiách. Po absolvovaní jazykových programov školy budete môcť bezplatne nastúpiť na akúkoľvek vysokú školu na Slovensku, ako aj získať prácu | iCan.

  6. Book your Slovak course in Bratislava at our language school: Contact our language school in Bratislava. Opening hours. Register for a Slovak course. Tel: +421 2 38 10 14 16 E-mail: Akademia Slovenciny Language School for Slovak in Bratislava Panská 17 81101 Bratislava Staré Mesto

  7. Group Upon your level and time flexibility. Slovak for foreigners offers courses in every stage of your language. We focus on a detailed scan of your knowledge and your mother tongue as well.

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