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  1. SCP-108 to kanał, który łączy ludzką jamę nosową z systemem bunkrowym z czasów II wojny światowej, gdzie produkowano i przechowywano myśliwce Messerschmitt Me-262. Testerka 108-1, która ma dostęp do SCP-108, jest 51-letnią Afroamerykanką, która pracowała w sklepie z wyrobami żelaznymi.

  2. 21 lip 2022 · Item #: SCP-108. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-108 is contained entirely by Subject 108-1. Subject 108-1 should be contained in a standard containment cell measuring 3 m x 3 m furnished with whatever items are requested unless said items compromise security.

  3. The Council of 108 is a council of 108 organizations, religions, corporations, and orders affiliated with the anomalous that provide counsel, resources, and manpower to the United Nations Global Occult Coalition.

  4. Item #: SCP-108. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: The woman with SCP-108 in them is kept in Foundation custody. Laconic Description: SCP-108 is a miniature Nazi bunker inside a woman's nose. alive humanoid military portal safe scp structure.

  5. Watch a video that explains SCP-108, an extradimensional nasal cavity accessible through the nostrils of a subject. Learn about the history, containment procedures and risks of SCP-108, a paranormal phenomenon.

  6. Objet n o: SCP-108. Classe : Sûr. Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : SCP-108 est entièrement confiné par le sujet 108-1. Le sujet 108-1 doit être confiné dans une cellule de confinement standard de 3 m x 3 m, meublée selon les requêtes du sujet, à l'exception des objets compromettant la sécurité.

  7. SCP-108 is a Safe-classified SCP that is a WW2-era Nazi bunker system inside of a woman's nose. It contains fighter jets, corpses, and a portal system that can transport anything between nostrils.

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