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This examination has four parts, with a total of 35 questions. You must answer all questions in this examination. Record your answers to the Part I multiple-choice questions on the separate answer sheet. Write your answers to the questions in Parts II, III, and IV directly in this booklet.
This examination has four parts, with a total of 35...
This examination has four parts, with a total of 35 questions. You must answer all questions in this examination. Record your answers to the Part I multiple-choice questions on the separate answer sheet. Write your answers to the questions in Parts II, III, and IV directly in this booklet.
charts provided for the previous administrations of the Regents Examination in Geometry must NOT be used to determine students' final scores for this administration. Scoring Key: Parts II, III, and IV (Constructed-Response Questions)
The chart for determining students' final examination scores for the June 2022 Regents Examination in Geometry will be posted on the Department's web site at: on the day of the examination.
This examination has four parts, with a total of 35 questions. You must answer all questions in this examination. Record your answers to the Part I multiple-choice questions on the separate answer sheet. Write your answers to the questions in Parts II, III, and IV directly in this booklet.
Below is a continuous list of Geometry Regents exams administered from June 2015 to January 2020. Here, you'll find original exams, brief answer keys, and video solutions to all exams via YouTube. Use these resources correctly to maximize your exam score!
For the Regents Examination in Geometry, all schools must use uniform scannable answer sheets. These answer sheets are provided to schools by either a regional information center or a large-city scanning center.