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  1. All you need for a random wire antenna is some wire, your tuner, one or more supports up as high as you can get them to string the wire from the supports to the tuner, at least one or two insulators and a little time.

  2. A VHF rubber ducky or whip antenna used directly on a hand-held transmitter with no coax cable. A “random length” wire, the length of which is sometimes carefully selected to be non-resonant on any of the bands of operation, so it really isn’t very random.

  3. A random wire antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a long wire suspended above the ground, whose length does not bear a particular relation to the wavelength of the radio waves used, but is typically chosen more for convenient fit between the available supports, or the length of wire at hand, rather than selecting length to be resonant on ...

  4. AntenaLong Wire” (LW) jest rzeczywiście najprostszą anteną wielopasmową o niekrytycznych wymiarach. Aby używać jej z powodzeniem trzeba jednak zadbać o uziemienie i dopasowanie. Budowa anteny LW. „Long Wire” (LW) to antena utworzona przez pojedynczy przewód zawieszony w wolnej przestrzeni, dołączony

  5. Long wire (także random wire, z ang. „długi drut”) – rodzaj niesymetrycznej anteny drutowej. Jest to jedna z najstarszych, najprostszych, a przy tym najbardziej znanych anten.

  6. Long wire or random wire antennas are very simple antennas. They can come close to half wave antennas in efficiency, although efficiency decreases as they are made very long or installed closer to earth. Like every antenna that exists, random or long wires have advantages and disadvantages.

  7. Random Wire Antenna Lengths. A so-called random wire antenna is an end fed antenna. As typically installed, it is a compromise antenna but great for portable use because it is easy to pack and easy to install.

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