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  1. GRANTY NA STAŻE ZAGRANICZNE DLA MŁODYCH PRZEDSIĘBIORCÓW Celem programu jest uczenie się od doświadczonych przedsiębiorców z innych państw. Wysokość dofinansowania jest uzależniona... DOTACJE NA INFRASTRUKTURĘ SZKOLNICTWA ARTYSTYCZNEGO 16.100.000 zł. Celem programu jest rozwój infrastruktury szkolnictwa artystycznego.


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  2. Grants by private voluntary agencies and non-government organisations (NGOs) are defined as transfers for development made by private voluntary agencies and NGOs in cash, goods or services for which no payment is required.

  3. Private funders tend to focus more on the financial performance and return on investment rather than the specific social or public impact. Understanding these key differences between public and private funding is crucial when considering funding options.

  4. We’ll walk you through common types of grants for nonprofit organizations and share popular corporate grants you can apply for today. Plus, we’ve got additional resources for finding the right grant for you nonprofit and top tips for taking grant funding to the next level.

  5. You might think the difference between public and private grant funding is simple. Public funding comes from a federal, state, or another publicly funded agency. Private funding does not entail public funds and may include both grants and gifts, depending upon the organization’s mission.

  6. Learn about the different types of EU funding (grants, financial instruments, trust funds, prizes, subsidies, public procurement contracts) and how to find a project partner.

  7. Government grants are funded by taxpayer dollars and are typically awarded to support public services and projects. Private foundation grants are funded by private donors and are often awarded to support specific causes or initiatives.

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