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  1. The Fender Precision Bass (or "P-Bass") is a model of electric bass guitar manufactured by Fender Musical Instruments Corporation.

  2. Fender Precision Bass (znany także jako P-Bass lub precel) jest najprostszym i zarazem najstarszym typem elektrycznej gitary basowej, opatentowanej na początku lat 50. przez Leo Fendera. Instrument ten został zaprojektowany z myślą o kontrabasistach, których problemem było zbyt słabe nagłośnienie kontrabasu oraz jego duża masa.

  3. The company introduced its first bass model with active electronics, the Precision Bass Special, in 1980, and Fender very soon abandoned the three-bolt neck-mounting system adopted in the early 1970s; returning to the classic four-bolt method for all of its bass guitars.

  4. The Fender Precision Bass (sometimes shortened to P-Bass) is an electric bass guitar that has been made by Fender since 1951. It was the first popular electric bass guitar to be made and has four strings with one split-coil humbucking pickup. It was also the first bass guitar to have a solid body.

  5. Der Precision Bass, verkürzt auch Precision oder P-Bass – in deutschsprachigen Musikerkreisen auch verbreitet Preci genannt –, ist ein elektrisch zu verstärkendes Bass-Zupfinstrument, das vom US-amerikanischen Musikinstrumentenhersteller Fender Musical Instruments entwickelt wurde.

  6. 19 sty 2023 · The Precision Bass of 1951 was the first commercially successful electric bass guitar, and it followed Fender’s equally groundbreaking Telecaster guitar launched just a year or so earlier.

  7. The Precision Bass (often shortened to "P-Bass") is a bass guitar manufactured by Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. Designed by Leo Fender as a prototype in 1950 and brought to market in 1951,[1] the Precision was the first electric bass to earn widespread attention and use.

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