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  1. Basic information such as identity, Social Security Number (s) and Birth Verification (s) For rental assistance applications, please include a W-9 Form and Housing Assistance Form. This checklist can help. Please write your name and case number or social security number on all verification documents.

  2. Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) program in Ohio offers work supports and other services to help low-income families with urgent needs. The goal is to help families take care of themselves, or be self-sufficient.

  3. PRC stands for Prevention, Retention and Contingency and it provides short-term benefits and services to low-income families, especially those facing emergency situations. The goal is to help families stabilize and eventually move out of poverty and become self-sufficient.

  4. Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) are locally defined programs (run through the local County Department of Job and Family Services) designed to divert families from ongoing Cash Assistance by providing short-term assistance to address an emergent need and help families retain and maintain employment.

  5. Franklin County PRC Plan and Forms February 10, 2023 | Agency. Franklin County PRC Plan. Franklin County PRC Forms. Share this Expand All Sections. Web Content Viewer. Actions ... Ohio Department of Job & Family Services | 30 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215 | Phone: 614-466-6282. ODJFS is an equal opportunity employer and service provider .

  6. Q: What is the PRC program? A: PRC is the "Prevention, Retention and Contingency," Program. The PRC program provides aid and services due to unexpected emergencies. Q: Who is eligible for PRC? A: Eligible recipients must be a U.S. citizen or qualified alien, living with at least one minor child, pregnant, or are the non-custodial parent of a child.

  7. Prevention, Retention & Contingency (PRC) One time financial assistance to aid with emergency situations. Applicants must have at least one minor child or a pregnant woman living in the home and be at or below 175% of poverty. Browse our list of Services and Programs.

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