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As part of the EURES network, job offers from the EU/EFTA countries are made available on the European Job Mobility Portal –, including those from Polish employers submitted to district labour offices and the Voluntary Labour Corps.
Home page. For the unemployed and jobseekers. For foreigners. Rules of commencing work in Poland by people other than nationals of the European Union or the European Economic Area or Switzerland. How to find an employer? Work permits. Seasonal work permits. Rights and obligations of foreigners. ABC for the unemployed and jobseekers.
Strona domowa - Komunikat. Zapraszamy przedsiębiorców do wypełnienia ankiety badawczej dot. wdrażania nowych e-usług. Załatw sprawę bez wychodzenia z domu. Wyszukaj usługę elektroniczną.
The Voluntary Labour Corps (Polish Ochotnicze Hufce Pracy, OHP) is a state-run organisational unit working to prevent the social exclusion of young people.
The European Labour Authority helps to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair and effective way. Our goal is to make it easier for individuals and businesses to benefit from the internal market of the European Union.
enabling the remote employee to stay on the premises of the workplace, contact other employees and use the employer's premises and equipment, the company's social facilities and social activities (on the terms applicable to all employees).
Poland - Employment. Compare with: Central. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is responsible for: Labour law, in accordance with EU and international standards; Shaping and implementing solutions for the labour market; Preparation and coordination of a National Action Plan for Employment (Krajowy Plan Działań na rzecz Zatrudnienia);