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The Newtonian telescope, also called the Newtonian reflector or just a Newtonian, is a type of reflecting telescope invented by the English scientist Sir Isaac Newton, using a concave primary mirror and a flat diagonal secondary mirror.
Budowa teleskopu Newtona. Teleskop Newtona – przyrząd optyczny typu teleskopu zwierciadlanego, wynaleziony przez Izaaka Newtona. Składa się z paraboloidalnego (lub rzadziej sferycznego) głównego zwierciadła wklęsłego i płaskiego, ustawionego pod kątem lustra wtórnego.
Abstract. Isaac Newton (1642-1727, F.R.S. 1672, P.R.S. 1703-1727) is generally I credited with the invention of the reflecting telescope, having conceived the idea in 1666* (1, 2, 3).
The first reflecting telescope built by Sir Isaac Newton in 1668 [3] is a landmark in the history of telescopes, being the first known successful reflecting telescope. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] It was the prototype for a design that later came to be called the Newtonian telescope .
Newton was not the only astronomer to think of building a telescope with a mirror, but he was the first to produce a working reflecting telescope. His telescope was shown to the Royal Society of London, one of the most distinguished organizations promoting science.
How Newton’s Telescope Changed the World. Space. Sir Isaac Newton didn’t use his telescope to find any new things in the universe but he did use it to radically transform how we view the world we live in and the universe as a whole.
11 kwi 2022 · Sir Isaac Newton invented the reflecting telescope in 1668, a significant contribution to the field of optics that impacted the development of telescopes during the scientific revolution. His main innovation was the use of a concave mirror to gather light, which helped combat chromatic aberration and revolutionized telescope technology.