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  1. Learn about the mountain reedbuck, an endangered antelope found in mountainous areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Find out its description, distribution, habitat, ecology, and conservation status.

  2. Podstawowe fakty dotyczące Ridbok górski: długość życia, mapa rozmieszczenia i siedlisk, styl życia i zachowania społeczne, zwyczaje godowe, dieta i odżywianie, wielkość i status populacji.

  3. Basic facts about Mountain Reedbuck: lifespan, distribution and habitat map, lifestyle and social behavior, mating habits, diet and nutrition, population size and status.

  4. Southern mountain reedbucks are found from the eastern Cape Province to southeastern Botswana. Throughout history some populations have disappeared in this range for various reasons. The East African subspecies (Chanler's Mountain Reedbuck) is found in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia.

  5. 4 kwi 2005 · Learn about the mountain reedbuck, a graceful and elegant herbivore that lives in grassy hills and rocky slopes near Mt. Kilimanjaro. Discover how AWF and its game scouts are working to protect this species from habitat loss, poaching and human-wildlife conflict.

  6. Mountain reedbuck prefer steep, rugged terrain amongst grasslands at elevations between 1,400 and 2,000 m (some records exist as high as 5,000 m). There are three distinct populations (subspecies): the southern mountain reedbuck ( R. f. fulvorufula ) in South Africa, Chanler's mountain reedbuck ( R. f. chanleri ) in East Africa, and Adamawa ...

  7. Ridbok górski – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia. Ridbok górski [3] (Redunca fulvorufula) – ssak z rodziny wołowatych. Dane liczbowe. Wysokość w kłębie: 60-80 cm. Długość: 110-130 cm. Waga: 20-30 kg. Długość ciąży: 132 dni. Liczba młodych: 1. Występowanie. Pagórkowate tereny środkowej i południowej Afryki. Tryb życia. Zwierzę stadne.

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