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  1. 19 mar 2015 · The term ‘meal patterns’ is an overarching construct that is often used to describe individuals' eating patterns at the level of a ‘meal’, such as a main meal (for example, breakfast, lunch or dinner) or a smaller-sized meal (for example, supper or snack).

  2. 19 mar 2015 · Overview of the three meal pattern constructs, and examples of variables currently assessed in the literature and the assessment methods that have been used to collect the meal pattern data...

  3. Meal pattern analysis is the identification of patterns that emerge from measured food-intake variables such as the temporal aspects of meals, their content, and the context in which they are consumed. Individuals are then grouped with those who have similar patterns (10, 17).

  4. Most studies defined meals using a participant-identified approach, but varied in the additional criteria used to determine individual meals, snacks and/or eating occasions. Studies also varied in the types of meal patterns, nutrients and diet quality indicators examined.

  5. 19 mar 2015 · An understanding of the influence of different meal definitions on the characterisation of meal patterns will facilitate the interpretation of the existing literature, and may provide guidance on the most appropriate definitions to use.

  6. Now it is becoming clear that when we eat also plays a key role in health and disease. Here, we discuss scientific discoveries that demonstrate meal timing could be an effective dietary strategy to combat obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

  7. Advanced statistical techniques can identify meal intake patterns linked to the quality of overall food intake. Meal pattern analysis may support the development of personalized meal advice.

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