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A medical anthropologist by training, Sharp is most concerned with critical analyses of the symbolics of the human body, where her research sites range from cosmopolitan medical centers and research laboratories within the United States and other Anglophone countries to urban centers in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Lesley A Sharp | Barnard Anthropology
Professor Lesley A. Sharp, Recipient of Medical...
- Lesley A Sharp | Barnard Anthropology
Professor Lesley A. Sharp, Recipient of Medical Anthropology’s Highest Honor, Delivers Keynote Address to the UK’s Royal Anthropological Institute
Key research foci include crosscultural interrogations of suffering, loss, and memorialization; personhood and the transformative properties of biomedicine; body commodification; and the moral underpinnings experimental science.
Lesley A. Sharp is an American medical anthropologist. She is the Barbara Chamberlain & Helen Chamberlain Josefsberg ’30 Professor of Anthropology at Barnard College. Biography
Lesley A. Sharp Professor Barnard College Anthropology, Barnard College: Biography. A medical anthropologist by training, I am most concerned with critical analyses of the symbolics of the human body, where my research sites range from cosmopolitan medical centers within the United States to urban centers in sub-Saharan Africa.
28 sty 2020 · When Lesley A. Sharp, the Barbara Chamberlain & Helen Chamberlain Josefsberg ’30 Professor of Anthropology, received word recently that she’d been awarded the Wellcome Medal from the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) of Great Britain and Ireland, she could hardly believe it.
Lesley A. Sharp, a medical anthropologist, is the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Anthropology at Barnard College and a senior research scientist in sociomedical sciences at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University.