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30 gru 2021 · This book explores how intersectionality theory can be applied to social work practice with children and families, older people and mental health service users, and used to engage with diversity and difference in social work education and research.
In this context, this article argues that the feminist theory of intersectionality casts a critical light on modern day oppression and structural disparities within Irish society.
27 sty 2021 · In this study, we used critical interpretive synthesis to explore how social work scholars articulate practice implications of an intersectional framework. Seventeen peer-reviewed journal articles that applied intersectionality and included implications for practice were identified.
17 wrz 2019 · Applying intersectionality to social work practice. Intersectionality is a feminist sociological theory first highlight by Kimberle’ Crenshaw in 1989. It is a methodology of studying “the relationships among multiple dimensions and modalities of social relationships and subject formations.”
20 lis 2013 · This article introduces intersectionality as a usable tool for critical reflection, which as a part of the critical social work tradition aims to challenge oppression and inequality.
Intersectionality is a theoretical framework grounded in the idea that human experience and identity is shaped by multiple social positions (e.g., race, gender) and cannot be adequately understood by considering social positions independently (Bauer et al., 2021).
How is intersectionality understood and used in the equality third sector in England and Scotland? • How do practitioners understand intersectionality and where did they get their intersectional knowledge? • How are intersectionality’s understandings and applications influenced by equality policy?