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  1. Accredited Standards Committee A117 on Architectural Features and Site Design of Public Buildings and Residential Structures for Persons with Disabilities

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      2017 ICC A117.1 with Supplement 1 Accessible and Usable...

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    • 2017 ICC/A117.1 Update

      Prohibits the use of knee and toe clearances (i.e., under...

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      General Code ICC Community Development Solutions. 781...

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      Register - 2017 ICC A117.1 - ICC Digital Codes

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      History. The International Code Council was established in...

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      Sign In - 2017 ICC A117.1 - ICC Digital Codes

  2. ICC Digital Codes is the largest provider of model codes, custom codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Printing is a feature of Digital Codes Premium.

  3. While the IBC contains scoping provisions for accessibility (for example, what, where and how many), ICC A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, is the referenced standard for the technical provisions (in other words, how).

  4. The Accessibility Code, 2017 (A117.1, 2017) is a code produced by the International Code Council (ICC). This document provides the foundation for many state and city codes. The A117.1, 2017 combined with local jurisdiction amendments form the state codes.

  5. 1 mar 2024 · ANSI A117.1 is a publication for making buildings and facilities accessible to people with disabilities. The Ohio Accessibility Code 2017 is based on the A117.1, 2017 with amendments and additions.

  6. At the time of printing, the Commentary reflects the most up-to-date version of ICC A117.1-2017 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. Each section’s narrative includes a statement of its objective and intent, and usu-ally includes a discussion about why the requirement commands the conditions set forth.

  7. Prohibits the use of knee and toe clearances (i.e., under sinks or counters) when overlapping maneuvering space at a door. The intent is that users do not need to reach over an obstruction to operate the hardware. wheelchair space: A space for a single wheelchair and its occupant.

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