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  1. Nepeta is the "Knight of Wands" in the Homestuck tarot card deck, as the Knight of Wands tends to be dedicated to their goals no matter how silly they are, and tend to be well-liked, much like Nepeta herself. Nepeta can be seen with most of the pre-act 6 cast on the "Five of Wands" card.

  2. Nepeta Leijon, znana na Trollianie również jako arszenikoCica jest jedną z trolli w Homestucku. Jej symbolem jest zodiakalny Lew (♌), a jej rogi przypominają kształtem kocie uszy. Jej sposób pisania składa się z rozpoczynaniem każdej kwestii poprzez :33 <. :3 jest ogólnie używany jako uśmiech….

  3. Ściana Parowania jest rzeczą, którą Nepeta Leijon wykorzystywała do śledzenia relacji jej przyjaciół. Została ona zorganizowana na planie siatki i posiada prosty rysunek reprezentujący każdą parę trolli.

  4. The four quadrants as depicted on the walls of Nepeta Leijon's cave. Quadrants are the four different types of romance recognized by trolls, first explained through exposition here.

  5. The shipping wall was a tool that Nepeta Leijon used to keep track of her friends' relationships. It was organized into a grid and has a simple drawing representing each pair of trolls. Above each prospective relationship is either a heart to symbolize a matespritship or a diamond to symbolize a...

  6. 22 mar 2024 · Nepeta Leijon (also known by her Trollian handle, arsenicCatnip), otherwise referred to as Nepeta, is a major character and one of the twelve Beta Trolls, and her Zodiac sign is Leo, the 5th sign represented by a lion/lioness and she has horns shaped like cat ears.

  7. Nepeta Leijon is an olive-blooded troll from Homestuck associated with the astrological sign, Leo (♌), and her handle name in the webcomic is arsenicCatnip (AC). She isn't really that important in terms of Homestuck, but some fans have an odd fascination with her.

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