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Gas Pump Girls is a 1979 American comedy film. Directed by Joel Bender, it stars Kirsten Baker as June. Following their high school graduation, June and her friends take over the operation of her uncle's gasoline station, which faces stiff competition from the newer, bigger, more modern station that has recently opened across the street.
27 cze 2021 · Following their high school graduation, June and her friends take over the operation of her uncle's gasoline station, which faces stiff competition from the newer, bigger, more modern ...more. Gas...
25 lis 2021 · 1979 Film starring Dennis Bowen from Van Nuys BVLD and a cast of forgettables about a female-run gas station
So niece June comes to the rescue, enlisting three buxom friends with names like April...more. This comedy-drama centers around the competition between a decaying,...
Gas Pump Girls: Directed by Joel Bender. With Kirsten Baker, Linda Lawrence, Sandy Johnson, Rikki Marin. New high school graduates June and her friends take over a dilapidated service station owned by her bed-ridden uncle.
It's a full tank of laughs when two neighboring gas stations start competing for the same business and one hires as attendants sexy young girls who aren't afraid to pull every trick in the book to make the competition fold. The price before discount is the median price for the last 90 days.
Gas Pump Girls is a 1979 American comedy film. Directed by Joel Bender, it stars Kirsten Baker as June. Following their high school graduation, June and her ...