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Frogs and Jumps. Difficulty: Easy Accuracy: 49.69% Submissions: 54K+ Points: 2. N frogs are positioned at one end of the pond. All frogs want to reach the other end of the pond as soon as possible. The pond has some leaves arranged in a straight line.
- Frog Jump - Climbing Stairs with Cost - GeeksforGeeks
Frog Jump – Climbing Stairs with Cost. Given an array height...
- Pattern Jumping | Practice | GeeksforGeeks
Pattern Jumping. A frog starts at the point 0. In his first...
- Frog Jump - Climbing Stairs with Cost - GeeksforGeeks
22 sie 2024 · Learn how to calculate the minimum cost to reach the n-th height of a staircase with a frog that can jump two or three steps at a time. See recursive, memoization and dynamic programming solutions with C++ code and examples.
Pattern Jumping. A frog starts at the point 0. In his first turn, he can make a jump of 1 unit. Now for all consequent turns, if the frog is currently at a distance x (from the start), his jump will take him x units forward.
A frog can jump on stones in a river, but not into the water. Given a list of stones positions, can the frog cross the river by landing on the last stone? See examples, constraints and code solution.
Frog Jump II - You are given a 0-indexed integer array stones sorted in strictly increasing order representing the positions of stones in a river. A frog, initially on the first stone, wants to travel to the last stone and then return to the first stone.
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