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Station 19 is an ABC Grey's Anatomy spin-off revolving around the lives of Seattle firefighters that premiered on March 22, 2018 and ended on May 30, 2024. The show was created by Stacy McKee, who served as showrunner for the first two seasons, being replaced by Krista Vernoff as of the third...
Station 19: Created by Stacy McKee. With Jaina Lee Ortiz, Jason George, Barrett Doss, Jay Hayden. This spinoff of the critically acclaimed show Grey's Anatomy follows the lives of the men and women of firehouse station 19 in Seattle, Washington.
The series follows a group of firefighters from the Seattle Fire Department at fictional Station 19, focusing on their personal and professional lives. From the captain down the ranks to the newest recruit, the show explores the challenges they face both in the line of duty and in their relationships outside of work.
Jednostka 19 (2018) - Strażacy z 19. jednostki w Seattle każdego dnia ryzykują swoim życiem, by ratować innych.
FS19 Firefighter Pack 112-Modding A pack of firefighters with a lot of configurations like the beacons. Volkswagen craftsman: – Price: € 59,000 – Power: 250PS – Speed: 170 km / h
Station 19 (in Deutschland auch Seattle Firefighters – Die jungen Helden) ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehserie über das Leben der Männer und Frauen einer Feuerwache. Sie ist ein Ableger der Krankenhaus-Serie Grey’s Anatomy .
When an Army veteran threatens to blow up a pawn shop, Sullivan reflects on his time as a Marine. Vic and Dean try to reason with a man battling Alzheimer's disease, and Pruitt takes a stand to honor fallen firefighters.