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Disneynature is an independent film studio that specializes in the production of nature documentary films for Walt Disney Studios, a division of Disney Entertainment, which is owned by The Walt Disney Company.
Earth is a 2007 nature documentary film which depicts the diversity of wild habitats and creatures across the planet. The film begins in the Arctic in January of one year and moves south, finishing in Antarctica in the December of the same year.
Ziemia (ang. Earth) - amerykańsko-francusko-brytyjsko-niemiecki film dokumentalny z 2007 roku z serii Disneynature, utworzony we współpracy z BBC Worldwide, Greenlight Media, Discovery Channel i BBC Natural History Unit. Film jest pełnometrażową wersją brytyjsko-amerykańsko-kanadyjsko-japońskiego…
17 kwi 2017 · Disneynature is an independent film label of The Walt Disney Company, founded on April 21, 2008 as a division of The Walt Disney Studios. Its releases consist of a series of independent nature documentary films.
Earth is a 2007 nature wildlife documentary film which depicts the diversity of wild habitats and creatures across the planet. The film begins in the Arctic in January of one year and moves southward, concluding in Antarctica in the December of the same year.
Disneynature – niezależna marka filmowa, najmłodsza spośród marek należących do wytwórni filmowej Walt Disney Studios, kinowego skrzydła koncernu The Walt Disney Company. Jej powstanie zostało ogłoszone 21 kwietnia 2008.
Explore the world through Disneynature's collection of movies, video, photo galleries, and educational materials.