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3 dni temu · Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Sheriff Sale Listings. ... Choose sheriff sale date Search sheriff sale listing. Search across all sales ... 714 EDISON ROAD DAUPHIN, PA 17018 DAUPHIN BOROUGH UPI#: 23-001-079 $110,434.23 Postponed ( 1/16/2025 ) 2022-CV ...
TERMS OF SALE: As soon as the property is paid in full by...
2020-2021 Sheriff Real Estate Sale List. A sale list can be accessed at Please ensure that "Sort like Crier Report" is checked and print your own list out. We will no longer be providing lists at the sale. You can also follow along on your cell phone.
These sales are held in the Dauphin County Courthouse, Corners of Front and Market Streets, Main Lobby, at 10:00 AM. How can I determine if a property will be sold? Listings of all sales may be viewed on the Sheriff's Website or at the Sheriff's Office, at no charge.
TERMS OF SALE: As soon as the property is paid in full by the purchased to the Sheriff, otherwise the sale is considered null and void, and the property will be offered for sale by the Sheriff at three o'clock PM on the same day in ther Sheriff's Office, Room 104 of the Courthouse.
Schedule of proposed distributions will be filed by the Sheriff of Dauphin County, on Tuesday, (DATE) and distributions will be made in accordance with the said schedule unless exceptions are filed thereto within ten (10) days thereafter.
1 lis 2012 · Jack Lotwick, Dauphin County Sheriff. A condition of sale sheet will be provided in order to instruct the Sheriff to whom to prepare the deed. For properties selling for more than opening bid, a title search is ordered. A distribution sheet is prepared and posted for ten days seeking public comment, after which a distribution of funds is made.
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 246 EAST 2ND STREET, HUMMELSTOWN, PA 17036-1701 UPI / TAX PARCEL NUMBER: 31-021-004. Seized and taken into execution to be sold as the property of JACOB B MONN in suit of OCEANSIDE MORTGAGE COMPANY.