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The Search Engine for Christians. We provide whole-web search results emphasizing truth, encouragement, and family-safe protections. Not all sites are Christian-owned, but we highlight known Christian-owned sites with a gold border. Your Stats. Why Glorifind.
27 cze 2024 · By indexing Christian-owned websites, ministries, and businesses, these search engines help believers connect to a broader network of faith-based web results and media. Furthermore, these search engines often feature additional tools and resources tailored to the needs of the Christian community.
Christian Search Engine - is a Christian Search Engine that selectively chooses quality, biblically-based, Christian websites to include in its search engine index.
Interested in ministry relating to one or more specific words? Looking for ministry on a particular passage of Scripture? Looking for a list of Volume Titles (e.g. what does 'JND Volume 45' mean?)
Worthy Christian Search combines the power of a family-friendly Google Search engine along with a hand-picked selection of the internet's best Christian web sites.
Worthy Seek is a customized google Christian search engine producing fast and accurate results. Worthy Links is a Christian search engine, with handpicked Christian sites from around the world.
Think of this search engine as a Christian librarian or mentor, guiding you through a vast library that contains the world's knowledge. Our search engine is whole-web meaning we collect all of the web's information, and that includes secular sources and sources from other religions.