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In mathematics, division by zero, division where the divisor (denominator) is zero, is a unique and problematic special case. Using fraction notation, the general example can be written as , where is the dividend (numerator).
Learn why dividing by zero is undefined and does not make sense. See examples, explanations and consequences of dividing by zero in math and real life.
23 kwi 2018 · In the world of math, many strange results are possible when we change the rules. But there’s one rule that most of us have been warned not to break: don’t divide by zero. How can the...
Therefore, it is perfectly fine if you allow division by $0$, but then in order to make algebraic property "rich" enough to do mathematics your number system should only contain $0$ but nothing else. In fact, for integers, people do say that $0$ is divisible by $0$.
10 sty 2018 · If you divide a number by zero – it means you aren’t dividing it at all, since 0 means no quantifiable amount, so if you are not dividing something by a quantifiable amount (0) then you are not dividing it at all.
Can You Divide a Number By Zero? Any number divided by zero is considered undefined. When we divide zero over 1 that equals zero, when we divide zero over zero its is equal to undefined, and when 1 is divided by zero it is equal to undefined.
Why some people say it's 0: Zero divided by any number is 0. Why some people say it's 1: A number divided by itself is 1. Only one of these explanations is valid, and choosing the other explanations can lead to serious contradictions.