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Blue Girl Beer (Chinese: 藍妹啤酒) is a German beer brand founded in the 19th century. It is currently brewed in South Korea. [1] Blue Girl Beer was first brewed in Bremen in the 19th century. In 1906, Blue Girl Beer was acquired by Jebsen & Co. and was introduced into Hong Kong. [2] .
Blue Girl®Beer was first brewed in Bremen of Germany in the 19th century. Since then, the beer had been imported to Qingdao, China and laid foundation for the brand to serve drinkers all around the world. In 1906, Blue Girl®Beer was acquired by Jebsen & Co. Ltd and gradually meticulous quality standards.
As the largest beer company in Hong Kong, [14] Jebsen Beverage has been selling Blue Girl Beer since 1906, making it one of the most historic imports in the market. In 2019, Jebsen Beverage formed a joint venture on the Chinese mainland with the world's largest beer brewer AB InBev to accelerate Blue Girl Beer's growth in the Mainland market.
藍妹啤酒(英語: Blue Girl Beer )是一個源於德國,現今屬於香港 捷成洋行旗下的啤酒品牌。 1906年,源於香港的 捷成洋行 收購了藍妹啤酒,沿用其德國傳統秘方釀製,並先後引入香港、中國大陸、澳門和台灣銷售。
藍妹®啤酒以高級優質的定位享負盛名,始創人為彰顯品牌積極追求完美的信念,別出心裁於產品上的女神標誌中,加入 19 世紀末被譽為全球最大、散發著稀有藍光之鑽石的拉丁文名稱 Excelsior,體現品牌精益求精的精神。 為讓消費者對藍妹®啤酒的金質承諾更有信心,品牌遂推出透明樽裝的啤酒,令飲家能輕易一睹藍妹®啤酒金黃通透的品質。 直至今天,藍妹®啤酒依然秉持自古流傳的優良傳統,深受各地飲家的一致推祟。 歷久彌新的品牌定位. 捷成飲料一直為消費者提供優質飲料選擇,其廣佈於世界各地的分銷網絡讓藍妹®啤酒能夠普及於香港、澳門及中國大陸市場,其中香港更佔據著市場領導地位*。 在捷成飲料團隊的傑出市場策劃下,藍妹®啤酒憑藉其甘醇順喉的獨特味道,備受廣大飲家的鼎力支持。
藍妹啤酒 (英文: Blue Girl Beer)係由 香港 捷成洋行 出品嘅 啤酒。 家陣嘅藍妹喺南韓造。 藍妹啤酒源自19世紀嘅 德國 不萊梅,早喺1896年已經用「火炬女」做 啤酒 商標,並出口到 中國 青島 [1]。 1906年, 捷成洋行 向當時藍妹啤酒 香港 代理元興洋行(Lauts, Wegener & Co.)收購商標同代理權。 去到1930年代,捷成洋行見到香港市面普遍用「藍妹」稱呼呢款啤酒,決定用「藍妹啤酒」做官方名,喺香港嘅百貨公司,例如 先施 同 永安百貨 度賣 [2]。 1988年,捷成洋行考慮到運輸成本上升,決定生產線由 德國 搬到 韓國,交畀 東洋麥酒株式會社 (韓文:OB 맥주) 沿用原有德國配方釀造 [3]。
To meet the different needs of customers, Jebsen Beverage (Beer) offers a range of Blue Girl ® Beer products in bottles, cans, as well as draught. As well as the new smooth, refreshing taste of Blue Girl Light.