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  1. BitLife is a life simulator that features virtual but realistic challenges. By joining the game, you will be in charge of a life from birth until old age. That means you have to make the best decisions for your life because those decisions will determine whether or not your life is happy.

  2. BitLife is a life simulation game in which users take control of a stranger's life from beginning to end. It was released by Candy writer, a free app that, although not very famous on Google Play, has made a big impact on the gaming community.

  3. Możesz zejść do życia przestępczego, zakochać się lub przeżyć przygody, rozpocząć zamieszki w więzieniu, przemycić torby podróżne i zdradzić współmałżonka. Ty...

  4. Jak przeżyjesz swoje życie w BitLife? Teraz dostępne po polsku! Czy spróbujesz podejmować same właściwe decyzje, żeby zostać wzorowym obywatelem, zanim przyjdzie ci umrzeć? Możesz poślubić miłość...

  5. You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way. Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start trouble in prison, smuggle goods across country lines, and rob banks. It's all up to you... more.

  6. 15 mar 2015 · How will you live your BitLife? Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

  7. 6 dni temu · You could descend into a life of crime, fall in love or go on adventures, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse. You choose your story... Discover how bit by bit life...

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