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  1. Form a powerful army of dangerous creatures, defeat a lot of trainers and become the best master of the whole island in the purest Pokémon style, fuse identical creatures to make them evolve into a much more powerful one and have a great time knocking out all your opponents!

  2. Zbuduj potężną armię niebezpiecznych stworków, pokonaj grupę trenerów i zostań najlepszym mistrzem na całej wyspie w prawdziwym stylu Pokémon - połącz identyczne stworki, aby ewoluować je w znacznie potężniejsze i baw się świetnie, nokautując wszystkich przeciwników! ¿Kto stworzył Battle Island 2?

  3. Battle Island 2. Battle Island 2 is the thrilling sequel to Battle Island Battle, where wild monsters and skilled trainers await your command. Immerse yourself in an epic adventure where you earn money through battles and utilize your earnings to assemble a formidable army of powerful monsters.

  4. Battle Island 2 is sequel of Battle Island Battle with wild monster and trainers. Earn money from battles and use it to build the army of powerful monsters. You have only 1 goal, defeat all the Trainers and be the Master of Island.

  5. Battle Island is a fighting game in which you play as a monster trainer, Pokémon style, who wants to be the master of the island by defeating all the other trainers. Fight wild monsters, challenge the other trainers, earn money in battles and use it to build an army of powerful monsters.

  6. 23 sty 2024 · Play Battle Island 2 and be the best at monster fighting online! Use WASD/ARROWS or the mouse to move around the maps, having touch controls for mobile players. As you go around the map, fight monsters to defeat them and level yours up, and then fight with trainers and their monsters to do the same, as you keep getting better and evolving.

  7. Battle Island to gra walki, w której wcielasz się w trenera potworów, w stylu Pokémon, który chce zostać panem wyspy pokonując wszystkich innych trenerów. Walcz z dzikimi potworami, rzucaj wyzwania innym trenerom, zarabiaj pieniądze w bitwach i wykorzystaj je do zbudowania armii potężnych potworów.

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