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Need help logging in? Forgot your password? Forgot your User Name? Don't have a User Name yet? Creating a User Name gives you access to your account details and some great tools including: Before you get started, please have your most recent bill handy to complete the registration form. Are you a new customer?
Access the user login page for Atlanta Watershed to manage water and sewer services, bill payments, and customer support.
Online – Pay your bill online using our convenient and secure online bill payment service. Bill pay through personal bank (Contact your bank for additional details) By phone by calling 404-546-0311. Pay-by-Text (requires registering and enrolling online.
The City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management provides high-quality drinking water and wastewater services to residential, businesses and more. We are committed to providing quality customer service that exceeds the public's expectations for timely and effective delivery of City services.
For your convenience, we offer several ways to pay your water/sewer service bill. You can pay over the phone using a MasterCard, Visa or Discover card by calling 404-546-0311, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can pay online -
Password: * Remember me next time.
Where and how can I pay my water/sewer bill? By phone at 404-658-6500 (Option 1) Online to pay your bill online using our convenient and secure online bill payment service.