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  1. 18 sty 2015 · Army Class V ammunition refers to a category of supplies that encompasses all types of munitions and explosives utilized by military forces. This classification includes a wide range of items, such as small arms ammunition, grenades, rockets, missiles, artillery shells, and demolition materials.

  2. Class IV – Supplies for which initial issue allowances are not prescribed by approved issue tables. Normally includes fortification and construction materials, as well as additional quantities of items identical to those authorized for initial issue (Class II) such as additional vehicles.

  3. supply list includes spare parts and equipment needed to repair and maintain military vehicles (engines, tires, mirrors, radios, etc.), weapons, and other essential equipment used in the...

  4. The ten supply classes for the United States Army have been classified logically according to who the supplies are for, what needs they aim to serve, and how frequently they are used. The categories also divide items according to their overall cost and the scarcity and value of each item in question.

  5. › us-army › army-classes-of-supplyArmy Classes of Supply 2024

    Class V – Ammunition. This Army Class 5 supply list includes all types of ammunition and explosives, such as pyrotechnics, missiles, hand grenades, rockets, bullets, bombs, and any other munitions used by the military. Ammunition ; Explosives ; Pyrotechnics ; Missiles ; Hand Grenades ; Rockets ; Bullets ; Bombs ; Other Munition

  6. › acquipedia-article › supply-classesSupply Classes |

    V. Ammunition, to include military munitions, of all types (including chemical, biological, radiological, and special weapons), bombs, explosives, mines, fuses, detonators, pyrotechnics, missiles, rockets, propellants, and other associated items

  7. Class IV Supplies for which initial issue allowances are not prescribed by approved issue tables. Normally includes fortification and construction materials, as well as additional quantities of items identical to those authorized for initial issue (Class II) such as additional vehicles.

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