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Amen Clinics has multiple medical facilities across the nation for your ease of access. See the clinic addresses, hours, phone numbers and fax numbers for each location on the web page.
- Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Metro Area
Amen Clinics Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, as an essential medical...
- Phoenix/Scottsdale Metro Area
Amen Clinics Phoenix Metro Area, as an essential medical...
- New York Metro Area
New York Metro Area - Locations - Amen Clinics
- Dallas Metro Area
Amen Clinics Dallas/Fort Worth Metro Area, as an essential...
- San Francisco Bay Area
Amen Clinics San Francisco Bay area is the home of the very...
- Seattle Metro Area
Seattle Metro Area - Locations - Amen Clinics
- Atlanta Metro Area
Amen Clinics Atlanta Metro Area provides psychiatric and...
- Orange County Metro Area
Orange County Metro Area - Locations - Amen Clinics
- Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Metro Area
27 kwi 2022 · Learn about Dr. Amen Clinics, a chain of brain health clinics that use SPECT imaging to diagnose and treat various conditions. Find out what services they offer, how much they cost, and where they are located in the US.
19 lut 2024 · We have 11 clinics with over 60 doctors and health professionals on staff in the US located in: 1. Los Angeles, CA 2. Costa Mesa, CA 3. Walnut Creek, CA 4. Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, FL 5. Atlanta,...
Dr. Daniel Amen is a physician, founder of Amen Clinics and BrainMD, double board certified psychiatrist and nine-time New York Times bestselling author.
12 gru 2023 · Find leading ADHD clinicians near you who evaluate, diagnose, and treat symptoms of ADD and related conditions in children and adults across the United States. Amen Clinics Traditional psychiatry typically does NOT look at the organ they treat.
Amen Clinics is a group of clinics that use brain SPECT imaging to diagnose and treat mood and behavior disorders. It has several locations in the US and a large database of brain scans, but has faced criticism and ethical questions for its methods and claims.
Amen Clinics has multiple medical facilities across the nation for your ease of access. See the address, hours, phone and fax of each location in major metro areas such as Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Orange County, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami and Phoenix.