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  1. The three principal supports in Masonry, namely: wisdom, strength, and beauty; they also allude to the three stages in human life: youth, manhood, and age; they further allude to the three degrees in Masonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason.

  2. WORSHIPFUL MASTER - Brethren, Brother _____ is this evening a Candidate to be passed to the Second Degree, but it is first requisite that he give proofs of proficiency in the former. I shall therefore proceed to put the necessary questions - to Candidate - Where were you first prepared to be made a Mason?

  3. SECOND OR FELLOW CRAFT DEGREE INITIATION. I will now introduce the reader to the second degree of Masonry. It is generally called passing, as will be seen in the lecture.

  4. In Freemasonry, the second degree represents the symbolic growth from youth to manhood as a Brother accepts more responsibility within the fraternity and commits to studying its teachings. As he grows in knowledge, he becomes a “fellow of the craft.”

  5. W.M. gives ks of Second Degree, followed by S.W. and J.W. I.G. goes to the door, gives ks of Second Degree and being answered similarly by T, returns to his place. During which time the S.D., assisted by the J.D., attends to the TB and both return to their places.

  6. This guide will help you to make sense of the Second Degree ceremony. It will also help you to continue your masonic journey and to develop your relationship with your

  7. degree of a Fellowcraft or Second Degree. You are now midway in your journey in Craft Freemasonry. Until the 18th century there were only two degrees in Craft Masonry; the Entered Apprentice and the Fellowcraft. In those days the Worshipful Master was elected from the ranks of the Fellowcraft and so it follows that today the new Master makes

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