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9 wrz 2021 · 20/60 vision is a mild visual impairment that means a person can see objects clearly at 20 feet, while someone with normal vision can see them at 60 feet. Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment options and how it affects daily life, and see a simulator of what it looks like.
20/60 vision means that you can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 60 feet. Learn how this vision is measured, what conditions can cause it, and how it affects your daily life.
10 paź 2024 · Visual acuity scores are usually written as a fraction. These test results describe your ability to see an object 20 feet away compared to a person with normal vision. For example, 20/20 vision means seeing an object clearly from 20 feet away. The medical term for this is emmetropia.
Ostrość wzroku różna od wizji 20/20 oznacza, że osoba ma inne zdolności widzenia niż standardowe. Wizja 20/20 nie zawsze musi świadczyć natomiast o odpowiednim stanie narządu wzroku, bowiem obecność wielu poważnych chorób oczu, np. jaskry, nie wyklucza posiadania dobrej ostrości wzroku.
25 cze 2019 · Learn how opticians measure visual acuity with Snellen fractions and what factors affect your eyesight. Find out if it's possible to see better than 20/20 or 6/6 and what options are available to enhance your vision.
25 gru 2023 · The top line on the chart is designated for 6/60 vision. The second line from the bottom is 6/6 and represents normal sight, commonly known as standard eyesight. The Vision Chart is a tabular form of numerical and alphabetical elements that measures your visual acuity or sharpness of vision.
20/60 vision means you can only see letters that are three times larger than the 20/20 line on a Snellen chart. Learn how the visual acuity test works, what it measures, and what it means for your vision and eye health.