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24 sty 2024 · A period that is a few days late is not usually a cause for concern, but a period that is more than a week late may be a sign of pregnancy or an underlying condition. Learn about 10 possible causes of late periods, such as stress, weight changes, PCOS, and thyroid problems, and how to treat them.
From lifestyle changes to underlying medical conditions to plain old stress, your period might be late for a number of reasons. Read on to find out more about what could be disrupting your cycle. If your period doesn’t show up on time and you’re not trying to conceive, it’s natural to feel concerned.
When your period is late, it’s natural to question whether you could be pregnant. But the likelihood of pregnancy will depend on all kinds of factors, from how many days late your period is to lifestyle changes that could be impacting your cycle.
3 sty 2024 · Reasons for a late period (that don’t include pregnancy) If you’re not pregnant but haven’t gotten your period, you may have something called amenorrhea — the medical term for lack of a menstrual cycle. Amenorrhea is not a disease, but it is typically a symptom of another condition.
20 kwi 2023 · When your period is late, the most obvious culprit might be pregnancy, but other issues could be going on, too. An Ob/Gyn explains why late periods happen and what to do if yours is nowhere to be ...
28 wrz 2022 · There are several health-related reasons why your period could be late. Unpredictable periods are common and expected around menarche and menopause If you’ve had unprotected sex and your period is 10 or more days late, you should take a pregnancy test and talk to a healthcare provider regardless of the result
2 kwi 2020 · A late period can be due to many factors, such as pregnancy, birth control, menopause, or hormonal imbalances. Learn about the possible causes and when to seek medical attention for a late or missed period.