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  1. ZINC AND SULFUR. When a mixture of zinc and sulfur are ignited, a violent reaction occurs. EQUIPMENT. large insulating mat. bunsen burner length of strong wire. REAGENTS. powdered sulfur, S (1 g) 8. powdered zinc, Zn (6 g) PREPARATION Place insulating mat and burner into the otherwise empty fume hood.

  2. In this demonstration a mixture of zinc and sulfur produces an unusual chemical reaction when heated. A brilliant flash of light, followed by hot sparks, a hissing sound and a mushroom-shaped cloud of white smoke are generated.

  3. The reaction between zinc powder and sulfur. A reaction between zinc and sulfur can be used to demonstrate that chemical changes are often accompanied by a large change in energy. Introduction.

  4. Understanding: The zinc and sulfur react violently, producing a substantial quantity of heat, light, and smoke. The principle reaction is between zinc and sulfur. Zn (s) + S (s) → ZnS (s) 2 Zn (s) + O 2 (g) → 2 ZnO (s) The reaction forms an off-white crystalline powder of zinc sulfide.

  5. • The presumed reaction is: Zn (s) + S (s) → ZnS (s) or 8 Zn (s) + S. 8 (s) → 8 ZnS (s) Clean-Up • The ZnS and ZnO splatters all over the benchtop. Use a dry Kaydry or paper towel to wipe the residue into the kit box, then use a wet towel to get the remaining residue. Scrape any residue off the ceramic mats into the box as well.

  6. (f) Sulfur tetraluoride, SF4, can be made by combining gaseous sulfur with luorine. S(g) + 2F2(g) → SF4(g) The reaction is exothermic. (i) Complete the energy level diagram for this reaction. Include an arrow which clearly shows the energy change during the reaction. energy S(g) + 2F 2 (g) [3]

  7. A prime example is the synthesis reaction between zinc and sulfur, described by the equation shown below. Zn (s) + S (s) → ZnS (s) Initially, both elements are present as fine powders.