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  1. 12 sie 2024 · Did the Zanetti ghost train really vanish from a train tunnel in Italy in 1911? Maybe... but maybe not. Here's a look at the legend.

  2. 24 mar 2024 · Biuro podróży Zanetti w 1911 zorganizowało luksusową wycieczkę pociągiem dla włoskiej elity. Grupa 106 pasażerów wyrusza w ekscytującą podróż, nie spodziewając się, że stanie się ona jedną z najbardziej zagadkowych historii w annałach kolejnictwa.

  3. 1 wrz 2023 · In summer 1911 the train "Zanetti" with three cars and 104 passengers left Rome and should have gone through the mountain tunnel in Lombard. The train entered the half mile-long tunnel in...

  4. In this video, we explore the mysterious story of the Zanetti Train, a luxurious Italian train that vanished in 1911 inside a tunnel, never to be found again. This ghost train's tale is...

  5. 18 mar 2024 · A story has been circulating for years about a mysterious train incident in Italy. It alleges that in 1911, an Italian rail company called Genetti launched a train service carrying six railway employees and 100 passengers. This train, however, never arrived at its intended destination.

  6. 1 cze 2021 · En 1911 la société italienne Zanetti à lancer un nouveau train. Celui-ci devait parcourir les montagnes de Lombardi. Il s’agissait de train luxueux l’équivalent du Titanic mais en version train.

  7. 30 cze 2024 · Reports by various agencies claim that the train, started by a company called ‘Zanetti’, left Rome carrying 106 passengers, and disappeared after entering a tunnel at Lombard; out of 106 passengers only two were rescued, since they had jumped out of the train at the last moment.

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