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  1. Plan razvoja usklađen je s prostorno planskom dokumentacijom Grada Zagreba i, također, predstavlja okvir za izradu provedbenog programa, kratkoročnog akta koji za razdoblje mandata donosi gradonačelnik, a čime je osigurana potrebna usklađenost strateškog i proračunskog planiranja.

  2. Nacrt Plana razvoja Grada Zagreba 2021. - 2027. ... x

  3. 3 City of Zagreb development strategy for the period up to 2020 4 The URBACT Programme provided some guidelines, examples and ideas on what could and should be included within an Integrated Action Plan being produced as part of an URBACT network.

  4. Plan razvoja Grada Zagreba usklađen je s Europskim zelenim planom te potiče uvođenje digitalnih tehnologija u svim područjima društvenog i poslovnog života. Plan definira viziju budućeg razvoja Grada Zagreba uzevši u obzir očekivane globalne izazove kao što su klimatske promjene i degradacija okoliša, te potencijalne nove

  5. › UserDocsImages › arhivasummary za -

    The treatment of the entire area of the City of Zagreb as an urban area, by the eu party – thus prohibiting the use of funds for developing the rural area of the City. High level of an earthquake risk. Landslides in the lower Sljeme zone. Construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Sava upstream from Zagreb.

  6. The aim of the Zagreb Smart City Framework Strategy is to set goals for and determine strategic areas of the future development of the City of Zagreb as a smart city. Priority measures and activities for the achievement of the goals are defined for each strategic area.

  7. The City of Zagreb is one of the five Advancing Cities in the CH4LLENGE project and is taking steps forward in sustainable urban mobility planning. It will review and analyse its existing participation strategies and building on that, develop a new strategy for engaging stakeholders and citizens.

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