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24 gru 2021 · メールやSMSで本物そっくりの偽サイトに誘導して、パスワードやクレジットカード情報などを盗み出す「フィッシング詐欺」について、Yahoo! JAPAN IDを乗っ取られたといった事例も確認されたため、ご注意ください。 「フィッシング詐欺」は全国的にも事例が多く確認されており、弊社でも「ヤフオク!」や「PayPayフリマ」、「PayPay」といった弊社サービスを騙るケースや、ヤマト運輸や佐川急便といった配送業者を騙るケースなどが報告されています。 特に取引中のオークションがある場合などは、配送業者の名前で連絡があると対応しなければと思われるかもしれませんが、配送会社がSMS認証番号を含むYahoo! JAPAN IDのログイン情報を聞き出すことはありません。
27 sty 2018 · I've seen people mention Yahoo Japan a few times now, and I'm wondering how you guys actually manage to bid on items? I tried google translate for the page and could look around, but then read that the site was only for residents of Japan.
28 sty 2018 · I am aware that there are people here, like me, who frequently purchase items from Yahoo Japan auctions. Just a heads up that there appears to be a significant and coordinated scam running right now with fake auctions. A 6215 and an Izul have sold in the last couple of days that fit this pattern.
In general if you have to ask if you’re being scammed, you should probably assume it’s a scam. Some things are too good to be true, etc. Never direct deposit. You should cancel and report the seller for asking for a direct deposit.
8 wrz 2023 · If you had experienced purchasing cards from Yahoo Japan but received cards that were different from the listing, then you know how important this is. Key points for foreign buyers: Sellers on Yahoo Japan can now decide to opt-in to authentication services on their Pokémon TCG, YGO or MTG listings.
31 paź 2006 · I've recently started buying & selling off the yahoo auctions here and a couple of times when I've been outbid on an expensive item (camera lens), I've been contacted after the auction by email by the seller.
If a listing ONLY has stock photos, especially if they’re photos that can be found on other websites, there’s a good chance it’s a scam listing. This listing only has one photo, and it’s an official photo pulled from, as you can see from the watermark in the bottom right.