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  1. The Apache Xalan Project develops and maintains libraries and programs that transform XML documents using XSLT standard stylesheets. Our subprojects use the Java and C++ programing languages to implement the XSLT libraries.

    • Xalan Java

      All of the Xalan-Java documentation on this website is...

    • Charter

      Xalan Project Charter. Xalan Project Charter. The following...

    • Xalan Wiki

      It implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML...

    • Apache Xalan Project

      We are proud to release version 2.7.3 of our Xalan Java...

    • Apache XML Graphics

      The most common method is to convert semantic XML to XSL-FO,...

    • Get Involved

      Download Apache software releases. Report bugs and request...

    • Release Notes

      Release notes for Xalan-Java 2.7.0. Xalan-Java 2.7.0 was...

    • Samples

      With most of the samples, you can use the following...

  2. To use Xalan-Java, you need the following: You can get the JDK or JRE from IBM Java SDK downloads or Oracle Java downloads. If you plan to run XSLT extensions through extension functions or elements, and you want to implement that support in languages other than Java, then you will need an implementation of the Bean Scripting Framework (BSF).

  3. You can download the pre-built binary distributions from one of the mirror sites at xalan-j distribution directory. Xalan-J has two processors, an interpretive one, Xalan Interpretive, and a compiled one, Xalan Compiled (XSLTC). Your choice of which binary distribution to download depends on which of the processors you want to use.

  4. The org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process main() method provides a command-line interface for performing XSL transformation. To perform a transformation from the command line or a script, do the following: Download Xalan-Java.

  5. Microsoft has a simple command line tool that wraps their XML Parser - As @Mathias said though, it only supports XSL 1.0 while Saxon supports XSL 2.0.

  6. › html › downloadDownloads - Saxonica

    2 lip 2024 · Downloads Saxon is packaged in three editions: Saxon-EE (Enterprise Edition), Saxon-PE (Professional Edition), and the open-source Saxon-HE (Home Edition). See Our products for details.

  7. The XSLTC processor can be run on any platform including UNIX, Windows, NT, Mac that supports Java, including a Palm Pilot with J2ME CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition, Connected Limited Device Configuration).

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