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  1. Gael360 released a new version of his tools to dump Xbox 360 discs with a PC DVD-drive using a hot-swap method (means you'll have to open your drive). I just released a big update of my tools, you will now be able to find the 'magic number' immediatly, without having to scan an unknown Xbox 360 DVD.

  2. 25 wrz 2007 · Download wx360 v1.6 and wxRipper v1.2 for Xbox 360 from 360-HQ.Com - Xbox 360 Repairs & Drive Replacements | Xbox 360 Software | Xbox 360 Homebrew | Xbox 360 Emulators | Xbox 360 Firmware | Xester NESCafe 360, Mame360 and more. Xbox 360 Downloads - Enable your Download (It takes just 15 Seconds..) Script Error 502!

  3. wxRipper will allow you to raw dump retail Xbox 360 discs on a PC DVD-drive with a hot-swap method (yes, this means you'll have to open your drive). See tutorials area for more details about this method.

  4. 25 wrz 2007 · Looking for files for your Xbox 360?? Look no further.. The downloads area has been setup for members to share their xbox 360 related files.. Select a category to browse all Xbox 360 Related Downloads. If you have a file you think we may be missing please upload files using the "Submit New" link.

  5. 5 paź 2009 · Clean and straight from xbins. Download:

  6. wxRipper will thus have a feature to find the 'magic number' immediately, without scanning the Xbox 360 DVD. The features related to dumping did not change. Official Site :

  7. Utilitaires pour crer, ouvrir, extraire et modifier les backups de jeux Xbox 360