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  1. Second Grade Social Studies will begin applying the foundational concepts of citizenship and community to the broader view of our nation. Through rich opportunities for engagement,

  2. Second Grade Social Studies will begin applying the foundational concepts of citizenship and community to the broader view of our nation. Through rich opportunities for engagement, students will begin to think deeply about the citizen’s role in American government and society.

  3. 2 sie 2022 · » emphasize social/emotional, cognitive, and motor development skills to provide the foundations of the Early Learning Readiness grades; » utilize the formative assessment process to ensure that developmentally appropriate interactions, competencies, experiences, and skills are measured effectively. •

  4. High-quality preschool programs are grounded in standards-based practices. WVBE Policy 2520.15: West Virginia Pre-K Standards (Ages 3-5) define the content standards and learning criteria for WV Pre-K as required by WVBE Policies 2525, 2510, and 2419.

  5. IXL's dynamic social studies practice skills offer comprehensive coverage of West Virginia second-grade standards. Find a skill to start practicing!

  6. The West Virginia Pre-K Standards are organized to parallel content in the West Virginia College and Career Standards. The resources in this booklet are designed to support those invested in West Virginia’s young children through exploration of the continuum of learning.

  7. The West Virginia Pre-K Standards are intended to guide practitioners in offering high-quality early education environments and experiences that are responsive to individual children and maximize learning.

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