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Here you can track any World of Warships players statistics. Statistics includes charts, achievements and detailed ships stats with changes over time. You can update your stats instantly, just close your wows client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page.
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Data Usage This website use public data provided by...
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World of Warships Statistics tracker with instant update....
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World of Warships Statistics tracker with instant update and...
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With this app you can see the current statistics of your allies and enemies in their current ship. See who played who in realtime, filter for specific teams, your region, league, etc... Check the history of all recorded battles! Don't have a second monitor? No problem!
wows-monitor is an app that lets you view who you play with and against in World of Warships.
This bot can turn your Account / Warship / Clan / Clan Battle stats into a super cool and clean picture, check all commands’ usage and example in the Github doc Commands list
World of Warships stats Bot. World of Warships stats Bot. App Directory. in 1.8K servers. ISAC. Copy Link. Add App. General. ... /wws. Account overall / Specific warship's stats /code. Generate the link for redeeming wows bonus codes /server_top. Top 15 players in the ship in the discord server (min battles = 10) /recent. Last X days stats. You ...
A World Of Warships (WoWs) statistic discord bot. Contribute to B-2U/ISAC development by creating an account on GitHub.
WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, ranked and team battles and much much more.