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Download World of Tanks and take control of history's most powerful machines. Install Game Center, download the game, and roll out into battle.
Pobierz World of Tanks i przejmij kontrolę nad najpotężniejszymi maszynami w historii. Zainstaluj Game Center, pobierz grę i ruszaj do boju.
Dołącz do potężnej, 110-milionowej armii wiernych fanów i bierz udział w epickich bitwach pancernych jednym z ponad 800 pojazdów. Zanurz się w świecie epickich wojen morskich i przejmij dowodzenie nad legendarnymi okrętami z początków XX wieku w całkowicie darmowej grze MMO. Game Center is now downloading. Use it to install World of Tanks to your computer. If the download process has not started automatically, try again. The fastest, most dynamic, nimble, but the most vulnerable class in the game.
WoT - go on the official website, watch realistic videos of the best MMO game. Choose to play online multiplayer after the registration or download it for free on your PC.
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World of Tanks—Free-to-Play Tank Action MMO. Download now and play for free! It’s not just a game. It’s history. The T-34 entered World War II at the same time as the U.S.S.R.—on June 22, 1941. At the time, it had no peers in its class, both in terms of firepower and defense. By 1943, the situation had changed.