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In 2015, Harvard GlobalWE launched its annual essay contest at the Beaconhouse School in Islamabad, Pakistan. In 2016, we expanded the contest to schools in Germany and Turkey, with the goal of providing inspiration and encouragement to students who engage in topics relating to global women's rights and freedoms.
- Contest Overview
The GlobalWE Essay Contest was established to invite...
- Contest Overview
The GlobalWE Essay Contest was established to invite students to think critically about the status and rights of women. Students write an essay responding to the question: “What is the biggest challenge facing women and girls in your country today?”
The GlobalWE Essay Contest was established to invite students to think critically about the status and rights of women. In most regions, we work in partnership with local schools. The contest is open to 11th grade students in partnership schools around the world, including schools in Turkey, Pakistan, Chicago, Connecticut, Los Angeles, Mexico ...
31 sie 2023 · The National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is pleased to announce the launch of its student essay competition in honor of its 50th anniversary. Participants will be invited to a student conference on feminist law reform in late February / early March 2024 in Ottawa.
Harvard GlobalWE has published 99 winning essays from our Essay Contest from the past five years in a coffee table book. We are excited to announce that a limited number of books are available to share with individuals who donate $99 or more (for 99 essays!) to Harvard GlobalWE.
3 kwi 2023 · Stypendyści Polsko-Amerykańskiego Programu Fulbright 2022-2023 zapraszają uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych, studentów uniwersyteckich oraz studentów studiów doktoranckich/ uczestników Szkół Doktorskich do wzięcia udziału w konkursie The 2023 Women in STEAM - Poland Short Essay Contest.
5 dni temu · Need an interesting theme for your paper? We have plenty of women's rights title ideas! Check out this compilation of research questions about women's rights, essay topics, & more.