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20 lis 2024 · OSCDL is an open source and modern GUI desktop client for downloading apps from the Open Shop Channel, developed by dhtdht020, the former lead maintainer of the Open Shop Channel project. Using OSCDL, apps can be sent to the console over the internet with "Send to Wii" or over USBGecko.
- Library
Latest update in Games: "Blockamok Remix" by Mode8fx -...
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January 20th 2021, $2 a month. Thank you so much!...
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Every page in this help site has an "Edit Page" link at the...
- About
The Open Shop Channel project is launched, with the goal to...
- Repository Manager & API
Repository Manager repositories are structured in a very...
The majority of requests within the Wii Shop Channel are IAS...
- meta.xml Generator
Metadata XML Generator Quickly generate a meta.xml file for...
- HBB Installation Guide
A Homebrewed Wii with Internet Access If your Wii is not...
- Library
MPlayer CE is an active effort to maintain a native port of MPlayer for Nintendo's GameCube and Wii proprietary platforms, it uses internal libmenu as frontend with some usability enhancements. Originally based on the MPlayer TT .
Wii archive containing WADs including official, unofficial and system IOS/menu, Exploits, Homebrew Apps, DevKit, and more.
4 mar 2011 · Download MPlayer CE from the Open Shop Channel applications repository. Wii Media Player
Native MPlayer port. rOn Wii MFE Port: Linux-based port of MPlayer. nuvalo WiiMC: WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. ... Allows saving games to be copied from the Wii to an SD card Waninkoko: SD Explorer: SD card file manager miom: ... Wii Shop Channel 2.0: A Wii Shop Channel Revival MaloneCZSD ...
4 lis 2024 · To get this to work properly, download the mplayer.dol (from the MPlayer_CE Fix links below), rename it boot.dol and use it to replace the existing boot.dol in your mplayer_ce (or mplayer) folder(s). MPlayer_CE Fix - Rapidshare Download Link
WiiGSC, or Wii Game Shortcut Creator, is an easy to use channel creator for games loaded through USB, allowing for direct access to games like Mario Kart Wii or Super Mario Galaxy from the Wii menu. The program was previously known as Crap.