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A 24-hour diet recall is a dietary assessment tool that consists of a structured interview in which participants are asked to recall all food and drink they have consumed in the previous 24 hours. It may be self-administered.
The 24-hour dietary recall is a retrospective assessment method carried out by a trained interviewer. This method can also be self-administered i.e. with no interviewer. The 24-hour recall is normally undertaken in chronological order of consumption (i.e. from morning to night). The multiple pass approach has been often used as described below.
1 mar 2018 · In 1992 Faggiano et al described measuring dietary habits as “one of the most challenging activities in epidemiology” [1].
23 lip 1998 · The 24-hour dietary recall method is based on an in-depth interview conducted by a trained dietary interviewer. The method has been described in detail by many others (Pekkarinen, 1971; Burk and Pao, 1976; Bingham, 1987; Gibson, 1990).
26 sty 2020 · The FFQ was developed in a two-step process: prototype designing and a pilot test, with re-tested in a 3-month period, along with two administrations of 24 h-recall (24 hR).
8 cze 2022 · Subjective dietary assessment methods that assess an individual’s intake include the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), 24-hour dietary recall (24-hour), food record (FR), and weight food record (WFR).
Subjective dietary assessment methods include the food frequency questionnaire, 24-hour dietary recall, food record, and weight food record.