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Here is the complete list of numbers from 1 to 100, translated into Spanish, in their "canonical" form (singular masculine noun). Click on any number to see more details and examples.
- Cardinals 1-30
Here is the complete list of numbers from 1 to 30,...
- Time in Spanish
In Spanish, as in English, there are four common hour...
- Ordinals
In order to form compound ordinals, just write out the...
- Cardinals 1-30
Here is the complete list of numbers from 1 to 30, translated into Spanish, in their "canonical" form (singular masculine noun). Click on any number to see more details and examples.
Information about how to count in Spanish with cardinal and ordinal numbers and notes.
Find here the entire list of Spanish Numbers from 1 to 1000, with translations and more details.
31 paź 2024 · In this definitive guide to learning numbers in Spanish, we’ll cover all of the numbers from 0 (cero, pronounced “seh-roh”) to 100 (cien, pronounced “see-ehn”), detailing how to write and how to pronounce numbers in Spanish. In Spanish, for numbers larger than 100, there are additional rules to learn.
7 kwi 2023 · Use the formula below to form numbers from 31-99. [Multiple of ten] + y + [number from one to nine] Let’s see this formula in action with 31-39: Here are a few more examples of this pattern: …and so on. Notes: ‘Cien’ is only used for 100. ‘Ciento’ is for numbers from 101 to 199.
Want to learn how to say numbers in Spanish? You’re in luck – not only are they really easy, but this guide explains how to say numbers all the way into the millions, with tons of examples to help you out.