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  1. Examined are the variety of ways performance assessments are defined; the quality features of performance assessments; and outcomes associated with their use. Key terms such as (K-12) performance assessment, authentic assessment, performance-based assessment, alternative

  2. The key takeaways are that the document outlines a course on assessment of learning that covers topics such as testing, measurement, evaluation, and recent trends in education. It also discusses setting learning targets, designing and developing assessments, and analyzing and interpreting assessment results.

  3. • How can I construct performance tests that measure self-direction, ability to work with others, and social awareness? • Can standardized performance tests be scored reliably? • How do I decide what a performance test should measure? • How do I design a performance test based on real-life problems important to people

  4. The term “performance assessment” can refer to a variety of test designs used to sample or represent real-world activity, including simulations, projects, essays, demon - strations, and work products (Davey et al., 2015).

  5. Four examples spanning grade levels and disciplines demonstrate the range and possibilities of performance assessment. These examples were compiled by Christina Kuriacose, Program Associate, Quality Performance Assessment, Center for Collaborative Education.

  6. Created by the Center for Collaborative Education, Quality Performance Assessment is a new generation of processes and tools that leverage assessment as an essential tool of equitable learning and teaching.

  7. Later in the book, we will explore different interpretations of assessment: for learning, of learning and even as learning. Teachers need to acquire the appropriate competency in assessment in light of legislative and regulatory requirements and as part of their wider professional role and identity.